Maven Dependencies


A talk by torstein at

Perhaps you already know this

…but let’s slow down a bit and think about Maven

What has Maven ever done for us?

what has the romans ever done for us?

What has Maven ever done for us?

  • Structure: src/main/java
  • Dependencies.
  • Before Maven, we had this in Perforce:
//depot/main/io/lib/FTPProtocol.jar#2 - delete change 41404 (binary)
//depot/main/io/lib/JAI.jar#2 - delete change 17647 (binary)
//depot/main/io/lib/MRJClasses.jar#2 - delete change 41854 (binary)
//depot/main/io/lib/PDFBox.jar#2 - delete change 77300 (binary)

Helping out with dependencies

  • Maven resolves dependencies for us
  • Don’t need to know how to get a library

What does adding a dependency mean?

  • Just a few lines of XML, right?

Example: md-app

package md;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

Example: md-app

Dependency tree:


Short and sweet 😃

Example: md-app

Let’s add log4j to it:

package md;

import org.apache.log4j.*;

public class Main {
  Logger mLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    mLogger.debug("Hello world from " + Main.class.getName());

And add log4j to our POM


How does the dependency tree look now?

\- log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.16:compile


Doing something clever with those tags

package md;

import org.apache.log4j.*;
import nu.xom.*;

public class Main {
  Logger mLogger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    mLogger.debug("Hello world from " + Main.class.getName());
    Element element = new Element("content-type");

And add XOM to the POM


Now, what does the dependency tree look like?

+- log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.16:compile
\- xom:xom:jar:1.2.5:compile
   +- xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.03:compile
   +- xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.8.0:compile
   \- xalan:xalan:jar:2.7.0:compile


I didn’t ask for those three XML libraries

  • where these $@#/-#&*;@:#%^ JARs come from?

Say hello to transitive dependencies

Which class path?

Nature of a Maven project

  • WAR
  • JAR
  • Tarball
  • Zip-archive
  • POM

What’s in the package?

  • Depends on the type of Maven project
  • We can choose to exclude libraries when packaging our code

Maven scopes

  • compile
  • test
  • provided


  • Released versions
  • Unstable versions


  • What is a Maven version?
  • Or more importantly, what is a SNAPSHOT version?

What does a SNAPSHOT version mean in practise?

  • Maven checks once a day (per default)
  • Whatever has built last on Jenkins goes on your classpath

trunk-SNAPSHOT is fine …

  • if you want to live on the bleeding edge
  • don’t mind regularly fixing things
  • will release some time in the distant future

Use unstable versions if …

  • You aim for a certain minor version of ECE

  • But need a few new features


Use a released version if …

  • You aim for a certain version of ECE
  • You don’t want to continuously fix things that break.
  • You want to be sure your code will work after deploying it

Dependency management

  • Nice mechanism to ensure that all sub modules use the same version of a given library
  • Beware of different dependency management for the main build and plugins.

Your friend

$ mvn dependency:tree
  • Overview of your projects dependencies
  • And just as important: those dependencies’ dependencies
  • And those dependencies’ dependencies’ dependencies
  • …wish slides could do recursion 😃

Another good place to visit once in a while

$ mvn dependency:analyze
Unused declared dependencies found:

Escenic specific deployment

$ ls -l /opt/escenic/engine/lib
$ ls -l /opt/escenic/engine/template/WEB-INF/lib
$ ls -l /opt/tomcat-engine1/escenic/lib
  • Why do we have it?
  • How is is this reflected in our POMs?

The provided scope (again)


The provided scope (again) - II

  • compiling against one version of engine-core
  • deploying on version ? of engine-core


  • Use release versions whenever you can
  • provided and runtime scope mean:

I trust the runtime environment to be the same as what I’ve run my JUnit tests on

Summary - II

  • Dependencies end up on your app server’s classpath or webapp classpath
  • Have a clear idea of where your app’s dependencies end up

Summary - III

Benefits of having a firm grip of project dependencies:

  • Fewer nasty surprises when deploying your webapps on a server
  • Fewer weird bugs because app server X’s classloader behaves differently than app server Y when there’s multiple versions of com.escenic.MyClass on the class path.

Further reading
