$ paru -Syu
error: failed to download sources for 'amazon-ssm-agent-bin-3.3.1345.0-1':
The reason was a corrupt download from a previous run, so I removed the local cache entry for that package:
$ rm -rf ~/.cache/paru/clone/amazon-ssm-agent-bin
Now, it installed without any problems:
$ paru
==> Finished making: amazon-ssm-agent-bin 3.3.1345.0-1 (Wed 18 Dec 2024 11:00:54 CET)
==> Cleaning up...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (1) amazon-ssm-agent-bin-3.3.1345.0-1
Total Installed Size: 121.81 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 8.03 MiB
(1/1) upgrading amazon-ssm-agent-bin [############################################] 100%