Outlook in tmux

outlook in tmux

Here you see tmux running showing a summary of my Outlook agenda. There's also some other nice things that I like to keep track of, like the time and battery usage.

To get this working, I have done a few things:

Exporting Outlook calendar as ical

I've gotten a hold of the .ics URL of my Outlook calendar.

cron job to convert ical to Org

Since I also want the calendar in Emacs, I convert it to .org using ical2orgpy:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

# pre-requisite: pip install ical2orgpy

org_file=$HOME/doc/scribbles/$(date +%Y)/outlook.org

curl -s "${ics_url}" | ~/.local/bin/ical2orgpy - "${org_file}"

Convert the ICS calendar export to something nice looking

I then convert the outlook.org into something that looks nice in the terminal:

#! /usr/bin/env bash


create_nice_ascii_agenda() {
    grep "$(date --iso)" -B 2 |
    sed 's#:RECURRING:##' |
    sed 's/-[ ]*$//' |                                # remove trailing dash and space
    sed 's#\*#\n❯#g' |
    sed '/^-$/d' |                                    # remove empty lines
    sed "s#$(date +'%F %a') ##g" |                    # remove day abbreviation
    sed 's#--# → #' |
    xargs |                                           # remove all newlines
    sed 's#❯#\n❯#g' |                                 # one entry per line
    sed -r 's#❯ (.*) <(.*)> → <(.*)>#\2 → \3 ❯ \1#' | # put time first
    sort -u |

main() {
  while true; do
    cat "$HOME/doc/scribbles/$(date +%Y)/outlook.org" |
    sleep "${sleep}"


main "$@"

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