My Linux Journey

Major milestones in my Linux journey. Writing this down for my own amusement, perhaps someone else will find it interesting as well.

1999 - started using Linux

Distro: RedHat 6.1 "Cartman" Desktop: GNOME 1 Shell: BASH

2000 - started using WindowMaker

Distro: RedHat 7.0 "Guinness" Desktop: WindowMaker Shell: BASH

2001 - started using Debian

Distro: Debian 2.2 "Potato" Desktop: WindowMaker Shell: BASH

Coding OpenGL and OpenAL on Linux

Screenshot of my WindowMaker desktop running Emacs and Aterm on top WindowMaker. The app in the upper right hand corner is a wee3D app I wrote in university using C, OpenAL and OpenGL.

2003 - started using fluxbox

Distro: Debian Desktop: fluxbox Shell: BASH

2014 - started using Arch

Distro: Arch Desktop: fluxbox Shell: BASH

2015 - back to Debian

Distro: Debian Desktop: fluxbox Shell: BASH

2018 - started using i3

Distro: Debian Desktop: i3 Shell: BASH

2019 - starting using ZSH

Distro: Debian Desktop: i3 Shell: ZSH

After 20 years of using BASH, I switched to ZSH. The feature that won me over was the auto suggestion/completion overlay as it drastically speeds up the typing of long commands.

2022 - back to Arch

Distro: Arch Desktop: i3 Shell: ZSH

Licensed under CC BY Creative Commons License ~ ✉ torstein.k.johansen @ gmail ~ 🐘 ~ 🐦 @torsteinkrause