I find the greatest challenge with giving Linux to others, is what story to tell: You're running Mint. That's a Linux distro. It's based on a different distro called Ubuntu, which again is based on Debian. Your desktop, though, is called Cinnamon. So when you have a problem, you must search for a solution in that order: Cinnamon, Mint, Ubuntu, Debian.
When installing packages, you have native packages, through apt-get,
but you also have flatpak, snaps and appimage. Graphical frontend?
Sure, you've got (at least) 2 different ones installed. When to use
which? Try them out and see which one you like the best. If they don't
work, try synaptic
, it's not pretty, but that always works. Oh, but
it doesn't work with flatpak or snaps, so you need to be aware of
Good luck 😁