I was puzzled about this exception I got when calling n $db.createDoc(myArray);
I got this error message in my browser and couchdb debug log
The document could not be saved: Object has no property "lib".
{"couchapp": {"evently": {"profile": {"profileReady":
{"after":"function(e, p) {\u000a $$(this).profile =
[... continuing for 100s of lines ...]
I was further puzzled that executing the "Compact & Cleanup..." tools in Futon seemed to (temporrarily) remedy the problem. However, I got this error promptly back in my face so I had to find the cause of it.
It turned out that the include line in my validate_doc_update.js
was pointing to a non existing library. Since this Javascript is run
on each create, update & delete operation, it failed with an (awfully
long and garbled) error message.
Thus, look out that the include lines in validate_doc_update
exists relative to where the script itself resides. In my case, I had
to change
var v = require("lib/validate").init(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj);
var v = require("vendor/couchapp/lib/validate").init(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj);