Debugging BASH scripts on the command line


Get detailed debugging information about by setting the PS4 variable like the one below and then running bash -x

export PS4='# ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]}() - [${SHLVL},${BASH_SUBSHELL},$?] '

In depth

Say you've got this

#! /usr/bin/env bash

add_one "$(add_two "$1")"

It imports which looks like this:

add_one() {
  echo $(($1 + 1))

add_two() {
  echo $(($1 + 2))

Running yields just the result:

$ 1

To see see exactly how arrived at that result you can start the script with bash -x:

$ bash -x 1
+ source
++ add_two 1
++ echo 3
+ add_one 3
+ echo 4

You can also turn this on inside your with:

set -o xtrace

Now you can see each of the steps the bash interpreter executed and what the values of all the variables were at the given times. The pluses in the left margin also gives you an indication of how deep the call stack is (in fact, how many sub shells you're down from the main shell) .

This debug trace log is great, but it has a couple of shortcomings: You don't see in which .sh the statements come from and you don't see the line number on which the statements are written. Furthermore, it's hard to see in which method a statement is written and it would also be nice to get a watch on the status codes returned from each of the statements.

When your scripts get bigger and hairer, you really want more of this context. Luckily, BASH can give all of this to you and it's easy — if you know how.

The trick is to set an environment variable to instruct bash go give you the information you want. The xtrace format is governed by the PS4 variable. Here's what I've got in my ~/.bashrc:

export PS4='# ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]}() - [${SHLVL},${BASH_SUBSHELL},$?] '

With this, I get xtrace debug output like this:

$ bash -x 1
# main() - [4,0,0] source
## main() - [4,1,0] add_two 1
## add_two() - [4,1,0] echo 3
# main() - [4,0,0] add_one 3
# add_one() - [4,0,0] echo 4

Each line that's evaluated by the bash interpreter is printed first with the full path to the source file, followed by line number and function. Then there are three numbers: number of instances of the bash interpreter, number of subshells (a function is a subshell too) and the exit code of the previous command. Finally, the BASH statement is printed. For further information see main bash.

Notice that bash will take the first character of PS4 and add it once more for each consecutive sub shell. Since I have # as the first character of PS4, I can see the call depth by counting the number of #s.

bash cli debugging in emacs

Running this from within an emacs compile buffer, each line is clickable (Emacs just ignores the leading #s), taking you to the right line in the right script file. You can also keep hitting Ctrl + ` to step through each line of your program. Pretty neat, eh?

Inspect sub processes of a running BASH program

You can inspect what any running BASH program, regardless of it running in the above mentioned debug mode, by using pstree. For this, get a hold of the PID of your program, e.g. by doing ps aux | grep -w bash, then pass it as the argument to the pstree command:

~ $ pstree -p -a 17693
bash,17693 /usr/local/bin/che 6.2.0-4
  └─bash,17698 /usr/local/bin/che 6.2.0-4
      └─wget,17699 --continue --quiet --http-user foo --http-password bar

See man pstree for more information on what pstree can do for you.

Happy debugging!

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