
Updating the publication resources for my Escenic publication is so easy with the new ece script.

Here, I have all my publication resource in a folder on my local computer:

$ ls my-dir-with-publication-resources

content-type feature image-version layout layout-group security

I can now update all of them for my publication "mypub" with one line of BASH:

$ cd my-dir-with-publication-resources
$ for el in *; do ece -i dev1 -p mypub -r $el update; done

[ece#engine-dev1] Updating the content-type resource for the mypub publication [ece#engine-dev1] Updating the feature resource for the mypub publication [ece#engine-dev1] Updating the image-version resource for the mypub publication [ece#engine-dev1] Updating the layout resource for the mypub publication [ece#engine-dev1] Updating the layout-group resource for the mypub publication [ece#engine-dev1] Updating the security resource for the mypub publication

That's it, all my publication resources are now up to date.

Licensed under CC BY Creative Commons License ~ ✉ torstein.k.johansen @ gmail ~ 🐘 ~ 🐦 @torsteinkrause